Wayanad - Tribal Herbal Medicines
There has always been a rich history of faith healing and ayurvedic medicine in Wayanad, predominantly due to the abundance of spices and herbs which grow within the region. Thus, it is no surprise that a number of tribes and settlements make use of their surroundings and circumstances and look to utilise them any which way they can. For years these indiginous people been coming up with different concoctions, drinks and aid using the varying herbs found within their environment.
One of the most famous indiginous people from Wayanad was an elderly man called Vellan, he is now deceased but many of his ancestors still live within the tribe and surrounding area. He was a member of the Kuruman tribe, descendents from an old hunting tribe in the region. Vellan and his tribe are based on the banks of the Karapuzha river, near the border town of Sultan Bathary. Despite hunting laws becoming stricter there are still signs of old hunting tools and weapons scattered around the area. Vellan's famed bow and arrow being the prized possession. Although not used to hunt anymore the weapon is still handy to have around and is a reminder of the tribes not so distant past.
The Kuruman tribe are famous and renowned for an ethnic and exotic drink, harvested entirely from local ingredients within the area. Upon consumption, this drink is meant to bring a sense of euphoria, a kind of buzz and the user is meant to feel light headed and naturally high. The drink is made from the bark of a tree called Panjikka and must be fermented for 8 days in order to feel the full effects of it.
There are a number of tribal medical practitioners still operating around the region today. Holistic tribal healing is very popular in Wayanad and people come from all over the world to experience this unique form of healing and stay in local homestays. These medicines offer healing treatments for a number of illnesses, namely back alignments, bone settings, virus and flu, aches and pains and snake/insect bites. A famous practise to alleviate back pain is the alignment of bamboo rods and the humming of a manta ritual. The herbal mixes and tribal oils are kept secret amongst the tribes and the mixture of these medicines is unknown.
A number of toxic therapists have clinics beside their homestays within the region. So you can stay with the family and experience indigionous tribal culture whilst being treated by their home made remedies. The Kelu Vaidyans Kattikulam clinic is located in Kattikulam, and is open from 10.30am- 1.30 pm daily. This clinic specialises in tribal medical treatment and is registered under the Indian indiginous people. Other clinics in the area specialise in bone setting, treating cancer and other various diseases and illnesses. All these clinics use ayurvedic treatment and all these treatments and medicines are kept a secret.